In honor of their 10th anniversary, the SunriseGuide is celebrating Mainers who create real change in their communities. The 2016 Stewards of Sustainability have helped make "significant advances in the areas of sustainability, environmental health, and wellness," and Evergreen founder and CEO Richard Burbank is among them!

Here's why:
Richard started Evergreen Home Performance more than ten years ago, when few people had heard of "home performance" and even fewer believed that Maine's drafty old housing stock could ever be comfortable or energy efficient. Richard knew that innovative building science practices could transform our state's houses and environmental health, and he has spent the last ten years nurturing a business that does just that. Home performance is so much more than insulation. It looks at the house as a comprehensive system and makes recommendations for the whole, making homes more comfortable, healthy and energy efficient, then engineering comprehensive air sealing and insulation projects to achieve those goals. The home performance industry in Maine has grown considerably in the past ten years, and Richard has played an important leadership role in advancing this comprehensive approach.

We're proud of Richard - and of all the Stewards of Sustainability highlighted in the 2016 SunriseGuide. Get the guide to learn about this incredible bunch and join us in congratulating them all!