Bowers Mansion is a 3500 square foot historic home in Saco, Maine. Built in 1885, the balloon-framed home had long, uninsulated chases behind every wall. Even with a third of the house closed off and the thermostats low, heating to a livable temperature took a whopping 1800 gallons of oil.
The real estate listing promised that this 1995 Belfast farmhouse was energy efficient, but moisture problems prompted a major overhaul before the new owners went through a winter.
This 3000 sq. ft. home in Rockland was built in 1895 and historically used 1000 gallons of oil, six cords of wood and 4,800 kWh of electricity annually.
This stately 1895 Victorian has been lovingly restored by its present owners with breathtaking historical sensitivity. Just as sensitive to environmental impacts, they installed a wood pellet boiler in the effort to reduce fossil fuel use. Having an energy audit and installing the recommended... Read More
This 1800’s cape qualified for the first 50% energy reduction incentive of $3,000 from the Efficiency Maine Home Energy Savings Program. The home is beautifully renovated on the interior but the wet, drafty basement, lack of wall insulation, and leaky attic all caused the home to be very hard to... Read More
In the last week of December 2009, this 1980’s raised ranch was the first home to qualify for an Efficiency Maine's Home Energy Savings Program incentive of $1500 for completing an energy efficiency project estimated to save at least 25%. The home is heated with propane using a direct vent wall... Read More
Transcript:You may have heard that heat pumps offer immediate relief from high monthly heating and cooling costs here in Maine - but is that true for poorly insulated and leaky homes? Installing a... Read more