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One of our customers sent this our way.
It's about workplace rules, and how they bolster bureaucracy and undermine innovation. They end up interfering with - even impairing - our progress towards core, mission-critical goals. Barry Schwartz, who studies the link between economics and psychology, argues that the only solution is to encourage and embrace the practical wisdom that comes from doing.
When the head of the National Endowment of the Arts visited Rockland, Maine last week, he probably didn't expect to hear about energy efficiency contracting. But in the story of Rockland's renaissance, art and the economy are intertwined, and Evergreen Home Performance has one of the staring roles.
Lowering our energy expenses is a far bigger priority for most of us than getting the newest iPhone or iPad – but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to do. A survey by the AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research asked people to rank their energy usage priorities and the challenges to changing those usage patterns.
Sometimes being a building science geek means knowing when to bite your tongue. Not everyone wants to hear about beautiful basement encapsulations or the pros and cons of different kinds of insulation, after all. Except when they do.

This is a guest post from ReVision Energy, Maine's leading installer of solar hot water and solar electric systems. Evergreen frequently partners with ReVision on efficiency/solar projects
We'd heard that we should really be at the Penobscot Bay Regional Chamber of Commerce awards dinner Saturday night, so we had an inkling that something was up.
Still, we didn't dare think we might be named Small Business of the Year. Not until the presenter referred to this year's winner as "geekishly committed to their mission," with the aside that "it's on their website, so I'm going with it," did we even consider it.